
created by the Solana Foundation

Each month, we bring together developers working on the Solana network for a productive discussion on the latest updates and developments. This month's call will take place on Friday, January 20th at 7PM UTC. You can easily add this to your calendar ...

Previous issues

Each month, we bring together developers working on the Solana network for a productive discussion on the latest updates and developments. This month's call will take place on Friday, January 20th at 7PM UTC. You can easily add this to your calendar ...

Solana Tech Roundup Durable nonce bug has a patch merged and on its way to mainnet-beta. You can track the Durable nonce patch on the associated Github issue. As highlighted in today's upcoming change, token-list is finally getting deprecated on June...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week there has been progress on offline message signing. This highly requested feature is finally merged and should be making its way to being implemented on the ledger. Be on the lookout for it! Breakpoint starts next w...

Solana Tech Roundup The legacy BPF loader for programs will be deprecated soon. The feature is currently activated on Testnet and will be activated in the future on Devnet and Mainnet-beta. Make sure you are using the latest BPF Upgradeable Loader wh...

Solana Tech Roundup Versioned transactions and address lookup tables are now live! You can test them out on mainnet today. With address lookup tables, you can now use up to 255 accounts in a single transaction. Be sure to check out the integration gu...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week it was announced that versioned transactions and address lookup tables will go live at epoch 357, or approximately October 7th at 20:00 UTC. Be sure to check out how to use versioned transactions and address lookup ...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week the Solana network hit 100 billion transactions over the total time being live. Address lookup tables and versioned transactions are still slated to be activated near the end of September. If you're interested on le...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week a number of changes were made to the release schedule for Solana. 1.13 and 1.14 versions were made and Testnet was moved to 1.14 for stabilization. Devnet and Mainnet-beta are currently still on 1.10.X. The version ...

Solana Tech Roundup An upcoming feature, versioned transactions and address lookup tables, is tentatively scheduled to be activated at the end of this month. This feature bring the ability to effectively "compress" publickeys in transactions from 32 ...

Solana Tech Roundup The Solana StackExchange election is still going on, where you can vote for your moderators that help curate and answer technical questions. Help vote the new moderators in to make it easier to use the Solana StackExchange. Finall...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week the hackathon submissions list went public and ready for voting. Check out the project list and vote for your favorite project! The Solana StackExchange election is going on, where you can vote for your moderators ...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week the Solana StackExchange entered public beta. If you haven't created an account already, come check it out. A validator client written in C by Jump Crypto named Firedancer was announced. This second validator client...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week we passed the private beta stage of the Solana StackExchange. This is a huge accomplishment for the ecosystem, enabling the ability to "Google" your answers in the future. The Solana StackExchange will go live in pu...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week QUIC has reached its final stages of development. QUIC is being tested in Testnet pretty thoroughly at this point, and mainnet-beta is now running QUIC servers by default. QUIC will not come fully online until RPCs ...

Solana Tech Roundup This week testing in Testnet for QUIC has ramped up. The latest release 1.10.32 contains QUIC servers automatically enabled and is currently rolling out on mainnet-beta. Following successful testing, client activation will go forw...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week we've seen more testing on QUIC in testnet, with an upcoming path to mainnet-beta. A version with QUIC disabled is making it to mainnet-beta soon. You can follow the QUIC activation on the tracking issue. We continu...

Solana Tech Roundup This week the Solana StackExchange went live in private beta. If you have any questions or want to help out by answering, please go support the Solana StackExchange! Even though it is in private beta, all you need is to create an ...

Solana Tech Roundup Iterations on bug fixes and QA for QUIC is still happening. Compute budget changes on transactions will be updating this coming week to be calculated based on the number of instructions. Transactions V2 will be coming soon after a...

Solana Tech Roundup If you're a Solana developer like me, you may find it difficult to keep up with the latest updates to the Solana repository. This is because the Solana repository is a large and complex project with many contributors constantly ad...

Solana Tech Roundup This week 1.10 changes have started to wrap up, bringing QUIC even closer to release. The compute budget increase has been activated on testnet and will come to devnet next week if there are no issues. Transaction V2 is currently ...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week Solana features have gotten a lot of attention. You can now follow the progress of features using Github. Transaction-wide compute cap feature is expected to be activated on Devnet this week. You'll be able to test ...

Solana Tech Roundup Solana Devnet has started to get many features activated. Make sure you give each feature thorough testing with your application to check for any behavior changes. Changes such as the compute limit cap and rent exempt requirements...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week a large amount of features were activated on Devnet. Account realloc, disabling rent-paying accounts, transaction-wide compute budget, and more were activated, giving many more options for developers working on thei...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week Devnet did its duty by failing when applications were trying out the new Compute Budget instruction. Promptly fixed, the cluster returned to normal. Thank you for testing out the Compute Budget program in Devnet! Pr...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week there has been more work on QUIC, compute fee changes, and stake weighted connections. Testnet went down due to a datacenter dropping validator connections. The downtime highlights how a blockchain needs not only be...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week there was a discussion between Austin Federa and Anatoly about upcoming changes to Solana. Featured were QUIC, User specified fee priority, increased fees on writable accounts, and stake weighted connections. You ca...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week the features that disallows new rent-paying accounts and enables dynamic account sizing went live. What this means is that any account you create in a program must be rent-exempt. When you can dynamically size accou...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week there have been some major changes to make it into the master branch, most notably the ability to prioritize transactions by compute price. The transaction-wide compute cap feature is scheduled to start activation o...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week there was a clock drift issue where the Clock sysvar was drifting away from the real UTC timestamp. While consensus was unaffected, applications relying on this timestamp were affected. A good overview can be found ...

Solana Tech Roundup This week there has been a flurry of activity regarding performance on the Solana network. The discussion and commits have been fun to follow. Be sure to check out the recent Twitter space with Anatoly, @buffalu__, @leolukde, and ...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week there was a consensus failure due to a non-deterministic bug with durable nonce transactions. You can read the full post-mortem here. Durable nonce transactions were temporarily disabled until the bug has been patch...

Solana Tech Roundup Durable nonce bug has a patch merged and on its way to mainnet-beta. You can track the Durable nonce patch on the associated Github issue. As highlighted in today's upcoming change, token-list is finally getting deprecated on June...

Solana Tech Roundup This past week 1.10.25 went live on mainnet-beta, bringing a number of optimizations to the Solana network. QUIC is not currently enabled on mainnet-beta and is not the reason for the network being better. The many different optim...

Solana Tech Roundup This week QUIC has started limited testing on testnet. There is planning going on for when to release QUIC in the Solana Tech Discord. Generally all of the work involved to get QUIC working is complete, now all that is left is sec...

Solana Tech Roundup There's a large number of features constantly churning and being released on the Solana network, making it hard to keep track of when something will be next in line. Transactions V2, Compute calculations, fee markets, and more can...

Solana Tech Roundup If you're a Solana developer like me, you may find it difficult to keep up with the latest updates to the Solana repository. This is because the Solana repository is a large and complex project with many contributors constantly ad...

Solana Tech Roundup If you're a Solana developer like me, you may find it difficult to keep up with the latest updates to the Solana repository. This is because the Solana repository is a large and complex project with many contributors constantly ad...

Solana Tech Roundup This week there has been a lot of discussion about how to go forward with fees, compute budget, and qos. You can find a great summary of the discussion here. TLDR: Fees are changing on Solana. Looks like they'll be based on compu...

Solana Tech Roundup If you're a Solana developer like me, you may find it difficult to keep up with the latest updates to the Solana repository. This is because the Solana repository is a large and complex project with many contributors constantly ad...

Solana Tech Roundup Solana 1.9 is fast approaching Mainnet-beta with Devnet and Testnet already upgraded to 1.9.9. This is a highly anticipated upgrade, with many possible features that can be game changing for developers. If you're interested in che...

Solana Tech Roundup This week there was a lot of work stabilizing 1.9 for release and getting QUIC ready for 1.10. If you're interested in testing 1.9, it is currently deployed to Devnet. Deployment to mainnet-beta is expected as early as next week! ...

Solana Tech Roundup This week Mainnet-beta reached supermajority on 1.9, bringing a slew of performance improvements and features waiting to be activated. 1.10 should come shortly afterwards with QUIC, bringing even more performance improvements to S...