
Anatoly Yakovenko (Solana Labs Co-Founder) joins The Zeitgeist to discuss the current state of Solana and the ways in which the team is working to improve protocol performance.

Today's guest is Brian Friel, a Solana dev and regular contributor to the Solana Cookbook who recently joined Phantom as Developer Relations Evangelist.

In this special Payments episode of the Solana Podcast, Austin Federa guest hosts a conversation between Jeremy Allaire (CEO, Circle) and Sheraz Shere (Head of Payments, Solana Labs). They discuss merchant payments, stablecoins and Solana Pay

Today's guest is PaulX, a Solana developer who invented the Solana Escrow program (lovingly referred to as the "Solana Bible") and core contributor to Anchor.

Today's guest is pencilflip, a Solana dev who joined the Solana ecosystem just a few months ago, and in addition to contributing tools, guides, and Twitter threads for fellow developers, recently founded Formfunction, a marketplace for 1/1 NFTs.

Ian Macalinao (founder of Saber and Ship Capital) chats about the differences between Solana and Ethereum from a developer's perspective.