Solana Tech Roundup #24

by Jacob Creech ยท July 5, 2022

Solana Tech Roundup

There's a large number of features constantly churning and being released on the Solana network, making it hard to keep track of when something will be next in line. Transactions V2, Compute calculations, fee markets, and more can now be tracked via the feature activation schedule. All features must be activated on Testnet and Devnet before making it to Mainnet-beta.

Change Highlight

Transaction Compute Calculation

Currently the compute cap for transactions is set to a default 1.4m compute units. When transactions start getting prioritized by fee/compute unit, you will have to add an instruction to lower your compute usage. There is a feature coming that will change the compute cap calculation so it is no longer defaulting to 1.4m compute units.

The Default max tx-wide compute units calculated per instruction feature changes the transaction wide compute unit calculation to be done by instruction instead of defaulted to 1.4m. This means that for every instruction you have on the transaction, you get an additional 200k compute up to 1.4m max.

The formula for calculating your compute cap is as follows:

Compute cap = min(numInstructions * 200k, 1.4m)

Commit Highlight

You can now add a minContextSlot to your web3.js requests to enforce that the response is post a specific slot. This is useful when tracking account changes to make sure you don't get stale account data.

List of Changes

June 24

June 25

June 26

June 27

June 28

June 29

June 30